
Care for employees Ongoing - Health knowledge seminar

Edit:2024-05-18 00:00:00


In order to enhance the health awareness of all employees, create a good atmosphere of caring for life and paying attention to health, according to the guidance of Healthy China Action 2019-2030, on May 16, the "Healthy China ▪ Wenxi Action" health knowledge lecture jointly organized by Shanxi Safety and Health Education Network and county Health Bureau was held in the large conference room of the Group company. More than 100 people from each branch listened to the lecture.


With deep professional knowledge and rich clinical experience, Wang Xiaoyan, teacher of Shanxi Safety and Health Education Network Education Department, focuses on the emergency treatment of public health emergencies, the prevention of stroke, sudden cardiac death, the reduction of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease death and disability rate and the prevention of common chronic diseases of enterprise employees.


Teacher Wang explained common and commonly used health knowledge such as "professional cardiopulmonary resuscitation first aid" and "prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases" in plain language and real typical cases, reminding everyone to consciously enhance their health awareness in daily life, learn to pay attention to their own health, and cultivate scientific living habits.


This health knowledge lecture is not only a feast of knowledge, but also a spiritual baptism. After the lecture, Mr. Wang patiently answered the questions of the staff and provided many practical health suggestions and solutions for everyone. The seminar not only allowed employees to learn a wealth of health knowledge, but also played a positive role in enhancing employees' health awareness and promoting the spread of health culture.


The company has always attached great importance to the physical and mental health of employees, and provides diversified and high-quality health services for employees by holding free medical examinations, health lectures, psychological counseling and other ways every year. In the future, the company will continue to adhere to the employee-centered development concept, constantly improve the health service system, actively advocate a healthy lifestyle, and jointly create a healthy, happy and vibrant corporate atmosphere.

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