
Ordinary people also have light to pay tribute to workers

Edit:2024-04-30 09:46:52


Every drop of sweat

Will reflect the light of the sun

Every dedication

All deserve the respect they deserve

Every worker

The makers of a great new era

On the way to pursue dreams, labor is the most beautiful

May 1st International Labor Day

Salute to the strugglers!


Guo Zhuowu

Guo Zhuowu, deputy manager of sheet metal Factory and a member of the Communist Party of China, has been working quietly in the front line of magnesium and magnesium alloy production for more than ten years. With his solid work style and versatile and efficient working ability, he has won the trust of colleagues and the recognition of company leaders. He led the determination of the chemical composition and production process of cold blanking sheet for computers, and mass supply for a well-known brand. At the same time, continue to explore the rolling process of magnesium alloy materials, and made major breakthroughs, in 2021 was named "Wenxi County ten outstanding young people", his lead research "0.3mm magnesium alloy sheet production process breakthrough" won the second prize in the city's "Five small" innovation competition. In 2023, he won the title of "Chief technician of Tongxiang", and his leading research on "new technology of magnesium alloy coil efficient rolling" was also awarded in the province's "Five small" innovation contest. He is a promising young man under the influence of silver light spirit, and he is the backbone of the magnesium industry.


Cui Wanlin

Cui Wanlin, the deputy director of the ninth factory and the director of the machine repair logistics workshop, a member of the Communist Party of China, he is young, loyal to his duty, quick and vigorous, and has been fighting in the production line for a long time, on the one hand, closely cooperate with the factory director to do a good job in administrative work, properly coordinate the safety and environmental protection and the miscellaneous chores of the surrounding neighborhood, on the other hand, lead the machine repair logistics section to ensure production. He is agile in thinking, flexible in mind, with many ideas and strong hands-on ability. He is an expert in solving production technology and a pioneer in safety management. Especially, he has been busy in key places such as shaft kiln technical reform and gas station, and has been rated as an advanced worker for four consecutive years.


Zhou Chuanglong

Zhou Chuanglong is the electrician class monitor, in the ordinary post with a pair of "skilled hands", a "ingenuity", and strive to create their own value.

When he was an apprentice, he knew the importance of professional knowledge, continued to learn and improve himself, and soon mastered a number of skills, and was able to work independently and excellently.

He actively participates in various transformations, is good at thinking and putting forward new ideas, such as the upgrading of the combustion system of the reduction furnace, the microcomputer operation of the raw material workshop and the transformation of the reduction slag treatment device, etc., and also performs well in the driving transformation of the refining workshop. He has the courage to forge ahead, is serious and responsible, based on his duty, strives for perfection, and constantly makes self-breakthrough with technology and experience, and won the title of "Gold Medal worker" in Wenxi County Skills Competition, and won everyone's recognition.


Du Xuemin

Every day at mealtime, when people sit in the executive canteen and enjoy a delicious working meal, few people will think of the chef who is quietly busy in the back of the kitchen.

He is Du Xuemin, head of the executive canteen. Every day, he was the first to come to the kitchen, carefully select fresh ingredients, skillfully and intently handle and cook, play the role of each ingredient to the maximum, and strive to save and not waste, six or seven years of work, never because of family affairs affect the work, and never because of the leadership arrangement of overtime have complained, he has interpreted the responsibility and responsibility of a Communist Party member!


Zhang Ruishi

Zhang Ruishi, director of the refinery, is also a member of the Communist Party. In the more than 20 years of working in Yinguang, he is pragmatic and studious, brave in innovation, and the production index has repeatedly hit a new high.

He is proficient in the crude magnesium smelting process, has a wealth of magnesium ingot quality management experience, product quality has been widely recognized. He studied the performance of the equipment and actively participated in the innovation and transformation, such as the design and transformation of the gas refining furnace production line, the manual crushing of magnesium chloride was changed to mechanical crushing, the manual casting was changed to automatic tipping casting, and the centrifugal casting of magnesium ring machine cooling device was transformed. He is serious and responsible, taking the lead in following the example of professionalism, infected every employee around, brought out a strong cohesion, skilled, sincere unity of the excellent team, he himself has won the advanced individual honorary title of the group company for many times.


Zhang Linhu

Zhang Linhu is the head of the reduction furnace. He is loyal and honest, bold and careful, he when the furnace for a long time, regardless of the single tank output, unit consumption and other indicators are always far ahead, in order to make the company's reduction furnace indicators overall improvement, in January this year, the company's leaders transferred him to a branch plant, management of the company's last ranked 5# reduction furnace, he did not complain, hard work, find problems, think of ways, It is hard to raise the indicators from the last to the top three, and the 5# furnace has finally completely got rid of the title of "rotten furnace" that no one dares to win, and has become the main force of reduction production and advanced furnace. His spirit of daring to chew hard bones and excellent performance has been a role model for everyone to learn, and has been rated as an advanced pacesetter in production for many times!

On a glorious spring day

Silver light people focus on the same journey, a new drive

With passion and enthusiasm

Work hard and make progress

With impassioned gesture into the background color of spring

The colors that light up spring

Igniting the passion of the silver man to sweat and fight

Choose a career and end your life

They took responsibility on their shoulders

They use dedication to interpret responsibility

Stick to the ordinary post, bloom the glory of life

Five cannot

"One" goes nowhere

There are dreams in the heart and lights in the eyes

Labor is glorious and struggle is great

To all workers

Happy holidays!

Make a hundred years of silver light international brand
Copyright: Shanxi Yinguang Huasheng Magnesium Industry Co., LTD. All Rights reserved   Filing number: Jin ICP Bei No. 19005478