Shanxi Yinguang Huasheng Magnesium Industry Co., Ltd. intends to nominate for the 2022 Shanxi Provincial Technology Invention Award project public announcement
Edit:2020-09-11 00:00:00
All units and relevant employees:
According to the notice on the nomination work for the 2022 Shanxi Provincial Science and Technology Award issued by the Shanxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the "project name", "project introduction", "main completion personnel", "main intellectual property certificate directory" and other information of the key technology development and application of particle reinforced magnesium based composite materials "that our company intends to participate in and apply for the 2022 Shanxi Provincial Technology Invention Award project will be announced on the company's website, and objections will be sought from the entire company, The announcement will begin from now on.
Within 7 natural days from the date of publication, if any unit or individual has objections to the announced project, please submit written objection materials to the School of Materials Science and provide necessary supporting documents. For the convenience of verification and fair handling of objections, please affix the official seal or personal signature of the unit or individual raising the objection on the written materials, and provide contact information; Objections raised anonymously will not be accepted.
Attachment content: Project introduction, list of main intellectual property certificates, information of main completion personnel and units.
Contact person: Liu Tao
Contact number: 15035091675
Attachment:/uploadfile/file/202220517/20220517141907_ 32947.docx