
Rechargeable sodium-magnesium batteries will replace lithium ions

Edit:2022-08-16 00:00:00

  Scientists backed by the Swiss Science Foundation have developed an innovative electrolyte for rechargeable sodium-magnesium batteries that could replace lithium-ion batteries, according to a recent report in Magnesium Monthly Review.

  The goal is to find new materials that can be used to recharge batteries, eventually replacing today's lithium-ion batteries. Lithium ion batteries have shortcomings, lithium material is limited, and there are many problems.

  The newly developed solid-state battery uses a solid-state compound through which ions, whether lithium, sodium or magnesium, move from one pole to the other. The researchers developed solid-state electrolytes with a crystalline structure, using either sodium or magnesium instead of lithium. Sodium ions have good mobility at 20 degrees Celsius, this electrolyte is not flammable, at 300 degrees Celsius to maintain chemical stability, and sodium resources are extremely rich.

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